Directed by Sohrab Modi, the 1954 film Mirza Ghalib was honoured with the first president's silver medal for Best Feature Film in Hindi. The most recent recipient is the 2022 coming-of-age period sports drama Toolsidas Junior.
Hindi The President Is Coming movies
Bollywood movies are regularly screened in Dubai cinemas, and Bollywood is becoming popular in Turkey; Barfi! was the first Hindi film to have a wide theatrical release in that country.[249] Bollywood also has viewers in Central Asia (particularly Uzbekistan[250] and Tajikistan).[251]
Mother India (1957) continued to be screened in Nigeria decades after its release. Indian movies have influenced Hausa clothing, songs have been covered by Hausa singers, and stories have influenced Nigerian novelists. Stickers of Indian films and stars decorate taxis and buses in Nigeria's Northern Region, and posters of Indian films hang on the walls of tailoring shops and mechanics' garages. Unlike Europe and North America, where Indian films cater to the expatriate marke, Bollywood films became popular in West Africa despite the lack of a significant Indian audience. One possible explanation is cultural similarity: the wearing of turbans, animals in markets; porters carrying large bundles, and traditional wedding celebrations. Within Muslim culture, Indian movies were said to show "respect" toward women; Hollywood movies were seen as having "no shame". In Indian movies, women are modestly dressed; men and women rarely kiss and there is no nudity, so the films are said to "have culture" which Hollywood lacks. The latter "don't base themselves on the problems of the people"; Indian films are based on socialist values and the reality of developing countries emerging from years of colonialism. Indian movies permitted a new youth culture without "becoming Western."[179] The first Indian film shot in Mauritius was Souten, starring Rajesh Khanna, in 1983.[256]
These 21 movies focus on everything from presidential scandals, the struggle to win the highest office in the land, to getting to know the man (or woman) behind the campaign. These are great selections to add to your Netflix list.
"Now that prices of VCD/DVD players are falling and there is a huge growth in income, the current penetration of 3% could even grow to about 25%. This would take the size of the industry to about Rs 2,100 crore by 2010," says Ravi Gupta, CEO, Mukta Arts. The home video market is currently facing threat from video-on-demand and pay-per-view services provided by cable operators and DTH operators, especially as telecom companies also have started these services on the IPTV platform. "The Indian audience has become discerning and also wants bonus material like the directors' cut (making of the movie), deleted scenes and alternative endings, which is why DVDs have become popular even in India," feels filmmaker Suneel Darshan.The Rs 300-crore organised home video market might become more competitive with global player Moser Baer slashing the cost of its writable DVDs to just Rs 28-30. Hoping to cash in on what is being touted as the fastest growing market in the entertainment industry and is likely to double by 2009, Moser Baer is planning to release Hindi films in both DVD and VCD formats using proprietary and patented technology, which enhances quality and significantly reduces cost. The companys new division is in final negotiations to acquire copyright and exclusive licenses for more than 7,000 titles in all major Indian languages. Harish Dayani, CEO, Entertainment Business, says, "This initiative is poised to bring a paradigm change in the home video market. We believe it will lead to much higher sales of home videos, and encourage people to build libraries. We have planned distribution to reach virtually every town." The year 2007, runs the consensus among industry experts and players, will be a good one for the home video market. Agrees Hiren Gada, vice-president, Shemaroo Video: "This year, the market will consolidate. The DVD format is going to emerge more popular than the VCD format. Besides Moser Baer, more players are likely to emerge this year. Add to that a growing overseas market, which will see a revenue growth of 25-30% in 2007." The Indian home video market has not grown as much as it should have feel most players, given that India is the world's largest producer of films, thanks to piracy and fragmentation in the business. On the other hand, the US home video market is almost the same as the theatrical market in revenues, unlike the Indian home video market, which accounts for only 7% of the total film revenues of Rs 7,900 crore. Saregama India, which has a tie-up up with six major Hollywood studios such as MGM, Warner, Paramount and Universal, and has set aside large investments to boost its distribution network and marketing. "There was a time when no marketing spends were needed for a DVD release. But now, out of the total marketing budget of a movie, close to 10-20% is assigned to home video launches," says Siddharth Roy Kapur, Senior VP, UTV. A major reason for the popularity of DVDs over VCDs among distributors is the security built into the players, making it tougher for pirates. Moreover, with capacities between 4.3 GB and 15.9 GB, a DVD can hold more than two hours of high quality MPEG-2 video with several audio tracks and subtitles. "In the international market where copying of Indian movies is rampant, DVD technologies may be of some help. But DVD/VCD prices will have to be cut to make it affordable and reduce the chances of piracy," feels Mahesh Ramanathan, CEO, Percept Picture Company. Yet, despite the villainous pirates, it looks like the home video market has the potential to be a blockbuster in the future.if ( fe_check_is_mobile() == true ) jQuery("googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1435909828675-0'); );").insertAfter(".runningtext p:eq(1)"); create_vuukle_platform('2e5a47ef-15f6-4eec-a685-65a6d0ed00d0', '191560', 0, 'archive', 'Cashing in on the couch potato - The Financial Express'); if( false == fe_check_is_mobile() ) document.write(''); else document.write('');var addthis_config = "data_track_addressbar":false;var addthis_share = "passthrough": "facebook": "app_id": 1672404616366149, "redirect_uri": "https:\/\/\/archive\/cashing-in-on-the-couch-potato\/191560\/?fe_share=fb" , "twitter": "via": "FinancialXpress" ;googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-0'); );googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-7'); );Tweets by FinancialXpress googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-2'); );googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-3'); );googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-8'); );googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1467717901670-9'); );
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