This streamfix seems to only work with US versions of the game which is extremely sad ?my message:[SA] Stream Memory Fix. ERROR !Sorry, but this version of gta_sa.exe is not supported .Supported versions :-1.0us (14383616 bytes)-1.0 compact (5189632 bytes)
Gta sa.exe 1.0us Compact (5189632)
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Please i need helpI have windows xp and 1GB VGAbut when i execute gta_sa.exe popup my message: [SA] Stream Memory Fix. ERROR ! Sorry, but this version of gta_sa.exe is not supported . Supported versions : -1.0us (14383616 bytes) -1.0 compact (5189632 bytes)plz help
thanks for trying indonesian language bro Krzysztof , terima kasih ?ok i think your gta_sa.exe is not 1.0 us version. hints : project oblivion hq 2010 mods has exe that compatible with streammemoryfix.asi. please do not use gta_sa .exe compact version which is smaller size than original size file. good luck bro ? 2ff7e9595c